E-commerce is a booming industry and one of the most effective ways to make money online. Physical stores have become outdated and are increasingly being replaced by e-commerce stores- the newest craze among those dreaming of starting a business. As everything is becoming digital, owners of brick-and-mortar stores are also going online. If you want your e-commerce store to bring you more business, your website must be attractive and easy to navigate.

Your website is the channel through which people find you and where business is conducted. However, the design of your e-commerce website can greatly influence whether or not your customer will purchase something. Here are some of our tips that you can utilize to enhance your e-commerce web design.

ecommerce online store web design

  1. Conversion Rate Optimization

The conversion rate represents whether your business is growing or dwindling. Therefore, optimizing conversions is the key to drive business growth. Make the Checkout process easy for the customer by creating links that are clearly visible and using attractive buttons that prompt the next action. An appealing color contrast is also an important aspect to consider.


  1. Simple Checkout Process

Single click checkout is a method that makes conversions more likely for any e-commerce store. What this means is that your customers should have an option for “guest checkout” rather than having to sign up and make an account to complete the purchase. Also, customers are less likely to abandon their cart if you show the total value of the purchase, including the shipping charges from the start because they won’t be surprised by any additional charges. Finally, there should be no distractions on the checkout page.


  1. Out of Stock Products

It is always a good idea to let the customers input their email address so that they are notified when an out of stock product is available again. You can even create a pre-order button so that the customer can place the order, regardless of product availability. This way you don’t lose any customers and you can also build your email list.



  1. Incorporate Rich Media

Videos and GIFs that make the usage/look of the products clearer can be added on your e-commerce website. It gives your customers a detailed look of the product and can convince them to make the purchase.


  1. Calls to Action

Make sure your call to action button is prominent and easily noticed. The ADD TO CART button should be right in front of the customer and easily accessible so that there is no confusion. Also, keep the design of your website clutter free and don’t add unnecessary links.


  1. Search Bar

It’s essential to have a search bar so that the customers can find the products they are looking for. Color, size, brand, style, price and etc. can be some of the filters you can add to the search bar.


  1. Search Engine Optimization

SEO is the key to a great website design. Add appropriate H1 and H2 tags so that search engines can easily find your website.


  1. Add Social Media Sharing Buttons

Include social media icons on your product page so that your customers can easily share them on various social media platforms. This acts a free advertisement for your store in the digital space.


  1. Testimonials and Reviews

Build credibility and trust in your brand by adding testimonials and product reviews on the respective pages.


  1. Flawless Customer Support

Offer customer support for any queries related to the purchase. Your contact information should be updated and you should implement a live support function so that your customers don’t leave your store without completing their purchase.


Keep these tips in mind when creating an e-commerce website and it’ll work wonders in boosting your business.



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