Custom Web Programming

Custom web programming fundamentally involves building customized solutions and plugins according to the client requirements. It is a brilliant idea when you are looking forward to getting unique website designs customized according to your preferences. Usually, effective custom web programming does not take into consideration “found code”. It is about writing code from scratch and creating something EXTRAORDINARY that leaves the viewers awestruck.Apex Global Solutions Web Development

Types of Custom Web Development

There are two main types of custom web programming:

  1. Front-end Custom Development

The functional elements which your users can view and interact with are included in front-end custom development. Say for example, image carousels or hamburger menus. These should be very meticulously developed to ensure an impressive user experience.

You can give an existing application a makeover or develop an enterprise application from scratch, with the help of front-end programming.

  1. Back-end Custom Development

A myriad of puzzling codes lie at the website back-end. Just like you have behind-the-scene artists driving the success of a movie, these complicated codes make the website look attractive to the viewers. It involves web programming technologies like MS SQL, AJAX/JavaScript/jQuery, C#, XML, different APIs, PHP, etc.

Applications of Custom Web Development
  • It is specifically useful when you are looking for particular functionality requirements that cannot be met through WordPress. Apex Global Solutions can help you with these customizations.
  • If you are looking for third-party API integration, custom web programming helps you to cut down on development expenses.
  • You can get any plug-ins or templates created especially to suit your brand and business.


Open Source Web Development

Open Source Web Development provides complete control over the source code. It is very secure, even though it is totally open. Developers and visitors can have access to it, and report any errors, bugs, or vulnerabilities.

Some of the benefits of open source web development when compared to custom web development are as follows:

apex global solutions web development

  1. Cost effective

Open source web development by Apex Global Solutions does not need any licenses or server requirements that usually come at exorbitant prices.

  1. Ownership

The code has no encryption and other complications which gives the clients ownership of the code.

  1. Flexibility

The client is not dependent on a person or company so it can be customized more flexibly as and when required.

  1. Ability for audit

In contrast to custom web development, open source web development has no risk of being dependent on the vendor for security purposes.

There is a myth revolving around open source web development where some clients believe that anyone can access the code and make changes. Contradictory to this, the fact is that only authorized people who have access to the server where the code gets hosted are allowed to make changes to the code. No overwriting can be done by any random unauthorized individuals. Users can look at the code and identify errors, but they cannot make any changes without verification. Custom web development and open source web development are different in a way that the end users can never say if the custom coding is done accurately. The security expert cannot check for any bugs or errors when the website is custom developed. Therefore, open source web development wins overall in this case.

Custom web development and open source web development have their own pros and cons. Based on your individual preference, you can choose the one that is best for you after weighing the differences between them, and Apex Global Solutions will be here to help.

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