Apex Global Solutions website design and marketing

Website Design is of paramount importance when it comes to conversion marketing and generating ROI. It’s all about the visual appeal you create through your website. Your website visitors are looking for user-friendliness as much as they are looking for an impressive look and feel.

Moreover, 46.1% of people consider website design as a top parameter to gain business credibility.

Here are some great tips to create an effective website design.

  1. Visual Hierarchy

Visual hierarchy is the sequence in which your visitors see your website. Your offers, calls to action (CTA), and signup forms are the most important parts of your website. Your website design should be able to drive attention to these parts rather than the less important ones. Make the CTA and signup form the most prominent part so that the user doesn’t have to search through your website to know where to click. Determine the importance of various sections and place them accordingly on the website page.

  1. Proportional appearance

To make the website page visually attractive, a “proportional” look is key. This can be done by following the principle of the golden ratio. Let me explain. If the width of your layout is 900px, divide it by 1.618. The result would be 556px. This implies that the content area should be 556px and the sidebar will be 343px. Now suppose your website height is 700px, you can have sections of 432px and 267px.

  1. Rule of Thirds

Use visuals to express what words can’t. The images chosen should abide by the rule of thirds. To do this: Slice an image into nine equal parts using 2 horizontal and 2 vertical lines that are equally-spaced. Important portions should be placed at the intersections or along the lines.

4. Hick’s Law

According to Hick’s Law, the more choices there are, the more time it takes to make a decision. This can be seen at restaurants with numerous options on the menu. Therefore, you should only add relevant CTAs so that your website is less distracting for your users. Clear filters that prompt users to make a decision and complete their purchase is a good way to do this.

  1. Fitts’ Law

Fitts’ law states that the bigger and closer an object is, the easier it is to use. This concept should be applied to websites too. However, this doesn’t mean that you should always use bigger buttons that occupy the entire screen space.

  1. White space

White space is a must if you don’t want your website to look cluttered. White space, or negative space, actually has a positive impact. Your users will have an easier time finding things on a clean and organized website, rather than a website that tries to convey everything on a single page.

 7. Occam’s Razor

Occam’s razor is a philosophical principle that encourages selection among competing hypotheses to the one that provides the simplest explanation. In simpler terms, it means that the simplest solution brings the best results.

8. Recent Design Trends 

As more and more people are using their mobile phones to browse the internet, it has become imperative to create responsive website designs that render well on all devices and browsers. Card-based layouts are just one of the trends that are becoming more popular on the digital marketplace. Long scrolling designs are also becoming more prevalent these days as web users are more accustomed to scrolling through long web pages. Typography is another important design trend that many website developers are using, as well as GIFS, videos and other interactive elements. Color mosaics and using screens as pages are also brilliant means to enhance user experience on websites.


Website designing has come a long way from what it used to be. In this digital era, your website should stand out and raise above the search engine results.

These tips are great ways to get you started on building awesome websites that function as lead-generating magnets.

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