Email Marketing Tips

There is a famous saying that states – “If you wish to have a 100% email open rate, send an email to your mom.” This is pretty much true because most of the emails that we receive are spam. They are an intrusive marketing strategy that doesn’t appeal to the audience. Companies end up buying email lists and sending email blasts across numerous inboxes. Consequently, email is considered to be spam most of the time. Someone who hasn’t signed up for your emails will obviously not appreciate receiving your promotions.

Whenever you learn SEO  basics, email marketing should be a top priority. Your emails should deliver value to your subscribers and convey relevant information to them rather than a pitch promoting a product they do not want.

Here are the most effective tips to prevent emails from becoming spam:learn SEO

  1. First and foremost, do not buy email lists. Build a good email list through events, contests on social media, webinars, useful blog posts, resources like eBooks and whitepapers, and conferences.
  2. Your email content should be interesting and relevant. It should have a conversational tone that keeps the subscribers engaged.
  3. Text and image ratio should be maintained at 80:20.
  4. Do not use words like free, moneyback, etc. as they attract the spam filters.
  5. Keep shortened URLS and links off your emails.
  6. Give an unsubscribe button at the footer of the email.
  7. Make sure your email includes your physical address as a proof of your storefront.
  8. Do not send out images as an attachment in the email.
  9. Your email should not exceed the limit of 102 kB as Gmail will clip the emails larger than that size.
  10. Double opt-in is a good idea for building email lists.
  11. Send out emails taking into consideration the past behavior of the customers so that it is more relevant and in line with the buyer’s journey.
  12. Determine the buyers’ personas and draft personalized content.
  13. Segment your lists according to personal and demographic data to send better emails.
  14. Whenever you get a new signup, send out a welcome email that introduces the subscriber to your brand and lets them know what they can expect from the brand.
  15. You can even add a line requesting the subscriber to add your email address to their contact list so that the email does not end up in the spam folder.

Keep Up to Good Work!

Email is one of the most effective marketing channels if used correctly. Keep these points in mind when you learn SEO, and you will begin to see the difference it will make to your business.

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