website redesignWith technology transforming our lives like never before, it has become imperative for businesses to maintain a consistent online presence. We all know how a business’s online presence is judged through its website. Therefore, your website should be designed in a way that makes it capable of representing your business in an amazing way. It should enhance your brand value and showcase your brand image in the best way possible. However, the work doesn’t end with awesome website development. No matter how great your website is, you need to keep it updated and redesigned every now and then to ensure that it’s performing well. Deciding the right time to redesign your site can be tough and overwhelming, and may also require a considerable amount of time and money. However, it can escalate you the top of your business game if done at the correct time. Still not sure? Well, here are some signs that it’s time for a redesign.  


  1. Lower conversion rates: This can be a vital metric in understanding if your site requires a redesign or not. If your site is unable to convert visitors or leads into buyers, then it’s time you realize that something is wrong with the website. Low conversion and click through rates usually indicates that your website is in an immediate need of a redesign.


  1. Optimization issues: With around 80% of people using smartphones, it has become critical to have a mobile optimized website. If your site is not compatible with mobile phones, the chances are very high that people will abandon your site. In the digital age, where people explore, navigate and shop through their smartphones, redesigning your site in a mobile responsive way can work wonders for your business.


  1. The site doesn’t reflect your brand: Over time, your business has grown to a new level. You are exploring a whole new range of products and services. Your logo, fonts, and colors might have changed too, right? However, are these changes reflected on your site? Is it highlighting the products and services that define your business? If your answer is no, it’s time you think about redesigning and updating your website in a way that reflects the image of your evolved business to increase your customer base.


  1. Your site is still clinging to Flash: Flash has become a thing of the past. It dominated the internet for a pretty long time but, the change is inevitable and Flash has become obsolete as fewer browsers support it. Flash is often not listed properly by the search engines, and does not display its content on mobile So, if you are still hooked on using the outdated Flash, you should think about redesigning your site by discarding Flash, before the customers discard your site.


  1. Takes too long to load: The slower your site, the higher the chances are that visitors will abandon it. A study done by KissMetrics depicts that if the loading time of a website is more than 3 seconds, half of the users would dump it right away. So, if your site takes too long to load and respond, it’s a warning that you must go for a redesign.


If you are noticing any of these issues with your site and don’t want to lose your customer base, then it’s time to for a complete redesign. Most of these issues are connected and fixing them individually would be pointless. Your website requires a thorough makeover, so it would be wise to choose a professional website development firm that can assist you in revamping your website through its skills and expertise.

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